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Quick Facts
  • Level: 85
  • Requires level 85
  • Side: Horde
  • Sharable
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So You Want to Be a Blacksmith...

Create a Ghostly Skeleton Key by attaining at least 500 skill in blacksmithing. If you wish to train through pandaren materials, a training project appropriate to your skill level can be learned from Jorunga Stonehoof.
Fashion a Ghostly Skeleton Key
Ghostly Skeleton Key


While it is best to learn the properties of simpler metals and work your way up, it is possible to learn how to become a good blacksmith through mastering the various applications of ghost iron for common household objects. If you wish to take this path towards becoming a zen master blacksmith, I can teach you. Whichever way you choose, you will have my respect if you can show me that you can make a ghostly skeleton key.


How are your studies coming along?


Well done. You are ready to become a zen master blacksmith.


Also, you get: 94


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6,965 experience (78 at max. level)



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