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Dino Might

Find and use Saur Fetishes on 5 raptors, compies, skyscreamers or direhorns in the Beast Pens.
Saur Fetish used (5)


The Zandalari use a series of fetishes and charms to maintain their control over their menagerie of beasts.

Two can play at that game.

I want you to find some of these fetishes and try them out on the various beasts in the Beast Pens.

Take careful note of how each beast responds to each fetish. Then report your results to me.

Maybe this will give us the edge we need against the Zandalari.


I heard screaming? Was that your efforts perhaps?


Very interesting results. I am sure there is a mage somewhere that cares about the specifics. I, on the other hand, am just glad to hear the sound of trolls being assaulted by their own beasts.


Also, you get: 11 40
Lesser Charm of Good Fortune Valor Points


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

