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Direhorn or Devilsaur

Disrupt a binding ritual by killing all ritual NPCs around either a Defiant Direhorn or a Defiant Devilsaur.
Binding ritual disrupted


We have an opportunity to disrupt the Zandalari war machine as well as have a little fun in the process.

Within these beast pens, a devilsaur and a direhorn are being outfitted with armor, their minds being enslaved to the Zandalari charms.

Go into the camp and disrupt one of these binding rituals. It doesn't matter which one. Just kill those who are trying to bind the creature. This should let the fully armored beast run mad through the Zandalari camp. Then sit back and watch the hilarity ensue.


So... did you decide the devilsaur or the direhorn?


Few things in this world and beyond are more entertaining than watching a rampaging ancient beast tearing through an enemy's settlement.

If times were not so dire I would consider selling tickets to such an event.


Also, you get: 11 40
Lesser Charm of Good Fortune Valor Points


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

