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1. A Celestial Experience
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A Celestial Experience

Speak to Xuen and complete his tests.
Speak to Xuen
Pass the First Test
Pass the Second Test
Pass the Third Test


Nobody is allowed into the Vale without the approval of the August Celestials. Xuen, The White Tiger, appears ready to listen to me.

But Taran Zhu of the Shado-Pan is reluctant to let the Alliance or Horde anywhere NEAR the Vale after all that's happened.

<Anduin shakes his head.>

Maybe you can help me make my case. Speak to the White Tiger on our behalf. Be careful! He may set a number of challenges before you...


Are you finished with the White Tiger's tasks?


You did it, <name>!

The White Tiger has agreed to allow us to accompany the Pandaren into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. An Alliance outpost is already set up within. Now, the hard work of cleaning up the damage can begin!


Also, you get: 10 20


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

