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Last Toll of the Yaungol

Take Xiao Tu to the smoke trails at Hatred's Vice.
Eastern Smoke Trail examined
Western Smoke Trail examined
Southern Smoke Trail examined
Northwestern Smoke Trail examined


Ban has asked me to explore the village to determine what happened here.

I noticed smoke rising up from the east, the west, northwest, and the south.

I need someone I trust to watch my back.

What do you say? Want to help me on my first scouting mission?


Something terrible must have happened here.


Thank you for your help, <name>.

We cannot know exactly what happened here, but it's clear that something caused the yaungol to turn on one another.

What kind of power could do this?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Torch of Noon Torch of Dawn
Torch of Dusk Hatred's Vise
Sha-Blighted Blade Shado-Pan Ranger's Bow
Hatred's Bite Dividing Edge
Shado-Pan Ranger's Blade Bearheart's Club
Also, you get: 11


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 196,000 experience (1 80 at max. level)
  • 100 Reputation with Shado-Pan

