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The Mantidote

Use Ken-Ken's Mask on 5 Ik'thik Wing Commanders, then defeat the Manifestations of Fear that come out.
Ken-Ken's Mask (Provided)
Use Ken-Ken's Mask on Ik'thik Wing Commander (5)


<Mei motions towards the battlefield.>

You see those huge mantid commanders out there? They have a strange aura about them. It reminds me of the sadness we saw at Zhu's Watch.

Perhaps... they're under the influence of the sha, too?

I kept Ken-Ken's mask - the one he used to remove the sha from Yi-Mo. I believe that, if we use it on the mantid, we can convince them to turn back.


It looks like the mantid are definitely under the sway of the sha... the sha of fear.

Perhaps they're not attacking after all - perhaps they are running away from something. What could possibly be on the other side of that wall?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 161,000 experience (6 75 at max. level)

