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Round 'Em Up

Round up 3 Wild Plains Yaks and return them to Westwind Rest.
Yaks rounded up (3)


Mobility is going to be key to maintaining our foothold in this new land. Problem is, there's no way to maintain mobility without mounts, and... well, we don't have many of those here, now do we? The local yaks seem to make good mounts. At least, the local pandaren say they do. Why don't you go round some up for us?


It's going to take more yaks than that to get this place back into fightin' condition, <name>, yes it is.


These yaks will do the trick nicely. Good work, <name>. I'm feeling better about this whole situation already.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Kafa Satin Mantle Kafa Hide Spaulders
Dreaming Spirit Monnion Kafa Burnished Spaulders
Kafa Silk Amice Kafa Leather Spaulders
Yak Herder Monnion Kafa Heavy Shoulders
Kafa Armored Shoulders
Also, you get: 10 20


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 129,025 experience (15 50 at max. level)

