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The Easiest Way To A Serpent's Heart

Collect 5 Tiger Flanks.
Tiger Flank (5)


<The hatchling scowls at you.>

Uh-oh, looks like someone is in a bad mood today!

Luckily, you know just the thing that will cheer up the little beast.

Cloud serpents love the taste of tiger meat, but the tender flanks can be... challenging... to acquire.

Luckily, you recall there are some fat, juicy tigers to the northwest, on Windward Isle.

Sure, you might suffer some scratches and a little mauling, but it's all worth it for your serpent, right?


Looks like the task is done.


I see you have been hard at work, gathering food for your hungry little serpent. Well done. It may not seem worth it now, but your serpent will know of your efforts, and it will love you for it.


Also, you get: 11 40
Lesser Charm of Good Fortune Valor Points


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

