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Finding Your Center

Meditate with Lorewalker Cho at the pagoda at the Dreamer's Pavilion in the Jade Forest.
Meditated at the pagoda


The dream brew is complete! This time, when you drink it, you must embrace the visions you see from a state of inner focus.

Follow me to my pagoda, and I will teach you how to achieve the inner calm that we pandaren value so much.

Your troubled mind will present you with many distractions, but just remember to stay centered!


How did you find me?

<Anduin listens to you describe the vision from the Dream Brew.>

Remarkable! That's exactly what happened several days ago. We've been laying low since then.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Friendship Ring Band of Acceptance
Friendly Gift Band Band of Flair
Band of Finding
Also, you get: 9 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 111,000 experience (15 50 at max. level)

