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Quick Facts
  • Level: 86
  • Requires level 85
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Shokia
  • End: Shokia
  • Not sharable
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Scouting Report: Like Jinyu in a Barrel

Listen to Shokia's report.
Escort Shademaster Kiryn through the camp


With our leader turned to jade, our hozen guide disappeared, and a prisoner of war in tow, there was only one thing that Kiryn and I could do:

March into our enemy's territory and deliver some vengeance.

Want to know how it went?


I'm not quite done yet, <name>.


The most important thing we learned was that... not only have the Alliance befriended the jinyu, but they're giving them weapons, and teaching them how to use them.

The Alliance now control a force that outnumbers us thirty-to-one. And we - the HORDE - have befriended monkeys.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Moonwater Ring Serpentspine Band
Lurking Tiger Band Ring of Restoration
Blossoming Ring
Also, you get: 39 20


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 221,000 experience (31 at max. level)

