Goblin Engineering
Bring 20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite, and 5 Explosive Sheep to an engineering trainer in any capital city.Big Iron Bomb (20) | |
Solid Dynamite (20) | |
Explosive Sheep (5) |
A skilled engineer can choose ONE specialization, and I know the secrets of goblin engineering.You look like you're ready to blow things up, but I'll need some samples of your work. Bring me twenty big iron bombs, twenty sticks of solid dynamite, and five explosive sheep.
Submit these items to an engineering trainer in any of the capital cities and you'll be an official goblin engineer with access to all the schematics!
Once I receive your crafted engineering items for my review, I will grant you the knowledge required to join the exclusive club of goblin engineers!Completion
It appears you are indeed ready for proper training. I dub you Goblin Engineer <name>!You'll be able to access any goblin engineer for some diabolical creations. Have fun and try not to blow your face off.
You will learn:Goblin Engineer |