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2. Sludge Beast!
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Sludge Beast!

Investigate the Sludge Beast's resting place and kill whatever comes out.
Sludge Beast slain


Whatever is lurking around the Sludge Fen, it doesn't appear to be human. Judging from the remains around its tracks, it's also dangerous.

You decide to follow the tracks down to the bottom of the lake and look for the creature's resting place.


You saw sludge being dumped straight into the lake? I wouldn't be surprised if the Sludge Beast were a product of the Venture Co.'s carelessness.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Nozzlepot's Vest
Sludge Fen Cloak
Also, you get: 8


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,175 experience (69 at max. level)



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