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A City Under Siege

Speak to Packmaster Stonebruiser.


We will never control the Eastern Plaguelands if we do not control Stratholme. Not only is it a point of incredible strategic importance, it also houses our enemies' leaders - Balnazzar and Lord Aurius Rivendare. Their Risen and Scourge armies threaten to erase all the progress we've made.

The Argent Crusade is well-suited to this task. Travel west through Stratholme's main gate and speak with Packmaster Stonebruiser. He will direct you further.


What a relief it is to see an able-bodied soldier that's on our side! There's plenty for ye to do around here, <race>.


Also, you get: 6


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 562 experience (33 at max. level)



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