Cutting the Competition
Kill the Risen Hammersmith.Risen Hammersmith slain |
Look, I'm not about t' play games with ye. The Scarlet Crusade's Crimson Hammersmith was nothin' worth mentionin' before, but now that they're Balnazzar's Risen, the damned dreadlord has taught him t' make all sorts of powerful demonic weaponry.It's simple. Find their blacksmithing plans and kill the Risen Hammersmith when he comes for 'em, so that we can make sure their army doesn't get their hands on demon armaments. They're powerful enough as it is!
Are we back on top of the arms race?Completion
Nicely done, lad! Without them new weapons, they're just as easy t' kill as they were when they were alive!Rewards
Also, you get: 65Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 5,815 experience (at max. level)