The Future of Gnomeregan
Meet with Drill Sergeant Steamcrank in New Tinkertown.Description
It's a victory for us every time we're able to help another survivor escape from the contaminated halls of Gnomeregan. <class>s like you will play an important part in the future of Gnomeregan. To that end, our leader, High Tinker Mekkatorque, has assembled a team of trainers to help you learn your arts.Drill Sergeant Steamcrank will help oversee your training and adjustment to life on the surface. He's waiting for you on the small practice field across the road.
For a <race> who has spent so much time inside Gnomeregan, you look positively fit and healthy, <name>. That's good. Before we can complete what Operation: Gnomeregan began, we're going to need more warriors like you.Completion
For a <race> who has spent so much time inside Gnomeregan, you look positively fit and healthy, <name>. That's good. Before we can complete what Operation: Gnomeregan began, we're going to need more warriors like you.Rewards
Also, you get: 8Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 42 experience (30 at max. level)
- 75 Reputation with Gnomeregan