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Eliminate the Resistance

Slay Battok the Berserker and 5 Frostmane Warriors in Frostmane Retreat.
Battok the Berserker slain
Frostmane Warrior slain (5)


The Frostmane chieftain died in the initial trogg onslaught, but they've been led by a well-respected warrior ever since. Battok the Berserker was the one who organized the Frostmane retreat, the construction of the new village, and the strikes against Kharanos and the mountaineers.

If we remove Battok, the Frostmanes' organization should crumble, leaving the mountaineers free to pick off the survivors. Battok will be in the village, just east of here.


Excellent job, <name>. With Battok dead, I'll send the signal to Captain Tharran. This should be the end of the Frostmane threat.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Frostmane Belt
Battok's Bloody Boots
Also, you get: 2 25


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 712 experience (4 20 at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation with Gnomeregan


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