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1. Help from Steelgrill's Depot
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Help from Steelgrill's Depot

Speak to Delber Cranktoggle at Steelgrill's Depot.


With your help, we've managed to push toward Frostmane Retreat. Our forces will soon be in position to dwindle down the Frostmane trolls' reserves, leaving their village open to attack.

That's where the Gnomeregan covert ops team comes in. Their technicians have figured out a way to deploy operatives behind enemy lines without alerting the Frostmanes to our presence. Head to Steelgrill's Depot, just northeast of town, and speak with Delber Cranktoggle. He'll tell you more about it.


Ah, you must be the <race> that Captain Tharran said he'd be sending. I've already used the deploy-a-tron to get most of the covert ops team into position at Frostmane Retreat. They're just waiting on your arrival.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 72 experience (30 at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation with Gnomeregan


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