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1. A Few Good Gnomes
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A Few Good Gnomes

Recruit Gnome Citizens from Tinker Town using the Motivate-a-Tron and lead them to Captain Tread Sparknozzle at Steelgrill's Depot.
Motivate-a-Tron (Provided)
Gnomes Motivated (5)
Motivated Gnomes Brought to Captain Sparknozzle (5)


Our engineers have been working on getting our battle machines ready for our assault on Gnomeregan, but we're out of pilots!

We've developed a device called the Motivate-a-Tron, which prevents distraction from other sources and gives the gnome the courage to enlist.

After motivating a few Gnome Citizens, lead them out to Captain Tread Sparknozzle out at Steelgrill's Depot, just south of Ironforge.

Oh, and be careful. The device is still a little experimental.


Also, you get: 1


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