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1. Empowered Rune
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Empowered Rune

Read the Empowered Rune and speak to Teo Hammerstorm in Anvilmar.
Empowered Rune (Provided)


<name>, this rune was given to me to pass on to ye. Take some time to read it when ye have a chance. I'm thinkin' it came from the shaman trainer Teo. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar.


The sprits have forewarned me of your arrival, <name>. Have you heard them too?


These are dark days, friend. Look around you... even here in remote Coldridge, the sprits are rebelling. The land is crying out for help. Yet still, even in times such as these, the spirits will always turn an ear to those who ask for their assistance.


Also, you get: 25


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 130 experience (60 at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation with Ironforge


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