The Binding
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Using the Pure Hearts, summon and subdue a succubus, then return the Pure Hearts to Carendin Halgar in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity.Pure Hearts (Provided) |
Using these hearts, cast a spell at the summoning circle to open a doorway for the succubus to come through. Your powers are greater now, and you will need all of them to defeat the succubus.Beware its charms, <name>, many a strong mind has been bound to its will. When overcome, the succubus will be returned to the void, and I will teach you the spell to summon it forth at your command.
Of the powers from beyond the void, the succubus is one of the most dangerous, as the weak are most easily wrapped around its fingers.Remember that now and in the future.
Again, you have done well, Sithel. It has been quite some time since I have seen a young <class> with as much potential as you. Be assured that I will continue to watch your progress, and prepare and assist you in your future trials.For now, let me show you the summoning spell for your newly dominated succubus.
You will receive:Small Soul Pouch |
Summon Succubus |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,575 experience (93 at max. level)