Flushing Out Verog
Gather 4 pieces of Centaur Intelligence from around the Stagnant Oasis.Centaur Intelligence (4) |
Regthar Deathgate sent me here to observe the centaur activity, but the leader of this group is hard to pin down. I've discovered that his name is "Verog the Dervish," but his whereabouts are a mystery.Can you help me do some digging? I know that "Centaur Intelligence" sounds like an oxymoron, but their camps are often littered with important communications. Search the centaur tents all around the Stagnant Oasis here and bring me back some info.
Search those tents, <name>. Try to ignore the stench.Completion
Good work, <name>. Did you look through these? They're barely legible - more like angry graffiti than war plans. Hatred, jealousy, rage, personal conflicts - it's a wonder Verog can keep these centaur from killing each other, much less form them into an army.We can use this to our advantage.
Also, you get: 3 50Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,075 experience (63 at max. level)