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4. Mutiny, Mon!
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Mutiny, Mon!

Use the Pirate Signal to summon Tony Two-Tusk and his crew to the Maiden's Dagger. Help him to defeat Alicia Cuthbert below decks.
Maiden's Dagger Captured
Pirate Signal Horn (Provided)


Now for my favorite part of any mutiny: the killin'! For pirates, it doesn't matter who's supposed to be in charge, only who's in control of the ships. Anchored on the east end of this island is the Maiden's Dagger, Cap'n Garvey's old flagship. He left his most trusted officer in charge: Alicia Cuthbert. Once we take her out, the ship is ours, and so's the sea.

I'll get the men onto the boats. I need you to board the Dagger and blow this horn from on deck - that'll be our signal to board. Yar!


Is that the Maiden's Dagger I see weighing anchor in the distance? Did you have anything to do with that?


So Tony is running the show there now? Good! We need more pirates like him in these waters. He's a real businessman.

<Dizzywig rubs his hands together greedily.>

Speaking of business, I suppose I owe you a cut. Would you be interested in insuring any of your new loot? You never know what can happen in a town like this...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Bachelor's Dagger
Conspirator's Slippers
Uninsured Bracers
Mutineer's Cloak
Also, you get: 18


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,625 experience (96 at max. level)



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