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1. Return to Samophlanger
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Return to Samophlanger

Take the Re-engineered Samophlange Wreckage back to Sputtervalve at Nozzlepot's Outpost. Talk to Wenikee to port directly to him.
Re-Engineered Samophlange Wreckage (Provided)


Well, that didn't work. The structural integrity of the samophlange is at an all-time low. I could add some more dials to try and fix it, but...that might make things even worse.

Look what I discovered when I blocked the release valve and blew the cover off the differential casing, though: the personal stamp of "Boss Copperplug."

Take this back to Sputtervalve and tell him to find this Copperplug genius. When you're done here, just talk to me and I'll send you back using Brak's teleporter.


Is that my samophlange? I don't even recognize it.


Wenikee said what? Copperplug? BOSS Copperplug? Oh no, this might be tricky.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 592 experience (34 50 at max. level)



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