In Fungus We Trust
Plant a Fungal Culture near the Stagnant Oasis and observe the results.Fungal Cultures (Provided) |
Fungal Culture Planted |
I've cultured these unusual spores you dug up with a most magnificent cocktail of ... reagents ... that I'm fond of. I'm eager to see how my manipulated spores react to the waters of the Crossroads oases.The Stagnant Oasis to the southeast should provide us an uncontaminated site for our experiment. Simply plant this culture in the moist soil anywhere near the oasis, and document the results for me.
Be sure to cover your mouth, <class>.
<Helbrim grins disarmingly.>
Out with it, <class>! What happened at the oasis?Completion
Explosive spore clouds? You don't say ... tell me more. Choking? Stinging? Burning of the eyes? Was there itching? Nausea? Mortification? Delightful, DELIGHTFUL! You've certainly earned your commission, <name>.That skin rash of yours should pass in a day or two.
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Fuzzy Gloves | Ointment-Coated Bracers |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 992 experience (46 50 at max. level)