The Kodo's Return
Speak with Kranal Fiss at Grol'dom Farm to ensure that his missing kodo arrived safely.Description
The great beast rises slowly to its feet, the loose Barrens soil spilling from its revitalized limbs. Instinctively it trudges back toward its home at Grol'dom Farm.You'll want to check in with Kranal Fiss to make sure the kodo made it.
So that was your handiwork, <race>? Yes, the missing Kodo arrived just minutes ago. It will take many nights to nurse the poor beast's wounds, but thanks to you it's alive. And you saved a whole shipment!Please, take your pick of the gear that the kodo was carrying.
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Far Watch Musket | Imported Bracers |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 230 experience (5 40 at max. level)