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Chronicler To'kini at Zim'Torga wants you to use To'kini's Blowgun on Frost Leopards and Icepaw Bears. Return to him with 3 females of each.
To'kini's Blowgun (Provided)
Female Frost Leopards recovered (3)
Female Icepaw Bears recovered (3)


Along with the Drakkari artifacts, I'm interested in returning to Zandalar with some of the Zul'Drak wildlife. I have males of both the frost leopards and icepaw bears, but I need females!

Too bad that my trapper was killed in a most unfortunate accident. Perhaps you would be willing to fill in for him?

Put the leopards and bears to sleep with this blowgun then lift their tails and return with some females if you would be so kind. They can be found near the Altars of Rhunok, Quetz'lun, and Har'koa.


No, that just won't do. Please return when you have the female leopards and bears that I'll need for the arduous journey back home.


Very fine specimens indeed, <name>! These are sure to provide many hours of curious speculation amongst my colleagues back home.


Also, you get: 6 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21,420 experience (7 5 at max. level)



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