Demons Deck
Use the Demons Deck to summon a Darkmoon Fortune Teller and give the deck to them.Demons Deck (Provided) |
Now that you have gathered all of the Demon cards together into a deck, another card appears on top. It depicts a fortune teller that seems to stare at you no matter how you hold the card.You feel the card could be used to communicate with someone or something.
I see that you have managed to complete a deck of Demons! Congratulations!Completion
You are quickly becoming a master of the quill. The tarot cards are of great interest to the Darkmoon Faire, so do not hesitate to call upon us if you manage to create more. We are not without our own skilled tradesmen, so please allow us to offer something in trade for the cards.Rewards
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:Darkmoon Dirk | Darkmoon Executioner | Darkmoon Magestaff |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,405 experience
- 25 Reputation with Darkmoon Faire