The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras!
Get in the arena at the Amphitheater of Anguish and defeat Yggdras! Return to Wodin the Troll-Servant to redeem your reward.Yggdras Defeated |
I was wondering when you'd show up, <name>! Having a past champion of the Ring of Blood here will be a huge draw! We're gonna be rich, buddy! RICH!Anyway, this dump is Zul'Drak. All the ice trolls seem to use it as a toilet. I dunno, the whole place is off its rocker if you ask me! Who cares, though, right? We're here to make some gold!
You know the drill, <name>. When you're ready let me know and we'll get this show on the road!
No payout until the fight's over, <man / woman>.Completion
Hey! I know you. Your victory at the Ring of Blood was talked about for months! Too bad you forfeited the championship when you failed to show up to defend your title! Easy come, easy go, eh? At least you're still alive.Rewards
Also, you get: 19 50Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 32,125 experience (10 59 at max. level)