The Amphitheater of Anguish: Korrak the Bloodrager!
Get in the arena at the Amphitheater of Anguish and defeat Korrak the Bloodrager! Return to Wodin the Troll-Servant to redeem your reward.Korrak the Bloodrager Defeated |
You're not gonna believe this, pal. Your next fight is against Korrak the Bloodrager! Looks like the Drakkari trolls are pulling a power play! And let me tell you, buddy, he's been sippin' the animal god juice. He's good and ready to pound you into the ground.Are you ready?
Damn, I remember Korrak from way back in my younger days when I used to work for the Frostwolf Clan. He would never shut up! I think you just did the world a great service, <name>.Rewards
Also, you get: 19 50Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 32,125 experience (10 59 at max. level)