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Drakuru in Voltarus wants you to speak to Gorebag and take the tour of Zul'Drak.
Tour of Zul'Drak complete



Ya musta received mah gift! Turn around, mon, lemme get a good look at ya... Ahh, ya make me proud.

We come such a long way, you and I, and now we be servin' da Lich King together.

Stick with me and big things be comin, mon. Big things... but first, we need to be gettin' ya caught up. So much been happenin' since I saw ya last.

Go speak ta Gorebag for a tour of Zul'Drak. Listen for me and I'll tell ya all ya be needin' ta know.


You an' me gunna take Gundrak, mon.


So, now ya be seein' what we be up against, mon.

Go down, take some time ta learn da land, prepare some strategy.

I'll be havin' some tasks for ya soon.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Kill Credit



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