Plundering Their Own
Chronicler To'kini at Zim'Torga wants you to recover 7 Rhunokian Artifacts.Rhunokian Artifact (7) |
There is another altar nearby where there are artifacts to be saved.It is said that the Drakkari at the Altar of Rhunok to the northwest, beyond the broken tundra of Drak'Mabwa, have already plundered their own holy site.
<class>, I would be appreciative if you could rescue those artifacts from their undeserving hands.
There is no comprehending the Drakkari. They are brutal savages who have sunk to a new low.Completion
Let me look at those.<The chronicler examines the artifacts that you have recovered.>
Hmph, I'd say that we're lucky you liberated these when you did, <class>.
How very interesting. This artifact here depicts the events of the Sundering. There was a time when Northrend was the far northern portion of Kalimdor.
But after the Sundering, the land broke off, eventually becoming Northrend.
This, of course, is why we see Drakkari in the southern continents as well as here.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 21,425 experience (7 5 at max. level)