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  • Level: 77
  • Requires level 74
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Har'koa
  • End: Har'koa
  • Not sharable
2. But First My Offspring
Open Quests
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But First My Offspring

Har'koa has asked you to use her whisker on the corpses of her children to free and resurrect them. Return to her at the Altar of Har'koa when you are done.
Whisker of Har'koa (Provided)
Cursed Offspring of Har'koa resurrected (7)


I am the last of the gods to be subdued, so we must first attempt to free the others. Bound by the magics of my subduers, I am unable to discern their fates.

But first, I would ask that you do me a kindness. Already the Drakkari turn my magic against me. They have transformed my offspring into monstrosities.

Take one of my whiskers. Slay my tortured children and use the magic of it to release them from their nightmare, and bring them back to life.


There are more of my offspring that you must free from their torment!


Thank you, <name>. I will never forget what you have done.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Soothsayer's Handwraps
Bloodletter's Pants
Spiritist's Focus
Brazen Offender's Helm


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21,420 experience (7 5 at max. level)



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