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2. Audience With The Dragon Queen
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Audience With The Dragon Queen

Seek out Alexstrasza the Life-Binder at Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.


Though I know you hunger to destroy the Scourge that stand before us at the Wrath Gate, we must first deal with the threat that looms overhead. Until the strafing assaults of the frost wyrms are halted, we cannot move forward.

But before we assault the dying grounds of dragons, we must first be granted permission. Venture now to the hallowed halls of dragonkind: Wyrmrest Temple. Once there, seek out Queen Alexstrasza.

Ride now, <name>! Southeast, to Wyrmrest!


You have come seeking my council, mortal. This I know, but do you know what it is that you face?

<Alexstrasza points northward.>

North of here are the dying grounds of Galakrond - progenitor of dragonkind. It is from Galakrond that the Titans created the Aspects. Imagine, then, the power of Galakrond. His size alone was greater than all of the Aspects combined! Now attempt to understand what the Scourge do in the Great Dragonblight.

Frost wyrms, mortal, should be the least of your concerns.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:



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