Report to Lord Afrasastrasz
Speak with Lord Afrasastrasz at Wyrmrest Temple.Description
I abhor the loss of life... any life. But I will not stand idly by and allow Malygos to kill us and defile the temple!I have appointed Lord Afrasastrasz as the commander of Wyrmrest's defenses.
Speak with Torastrasza to ride a drake down to him.
Please lend him your aid, <name>. Your involvement with the defense of Wyrmrest will be critical to us prevailing against the blue dragonflight.
You must be <name>. The queen informed me that you would be coming.If you are willing, we are in great need of your assistance.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,125 experience (69 at max. level)
- 13 Reputation with The Wyrmrest Accord