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2. Bombard the Ballistae
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Bombard the Ballistae

Deathguard Molder at Venomspite has asked you to use the Siegesmith Bombs to bombard 5 New Hearthglen Ballistae.
Siegesmith Bombs (Provided)
New Hearthglen Ballista bombarded (5)


At last, our chance to strike at their siege engines! Don't flub it.

I kid.

A little.

<class>, bombard New Hearthglen's ballistae with these bombs.

We'll show the Royal Apothecary Society how it's done old style. No concoctions required!


Someday I'll be lead deathguard!



Oh happy day!

By not using the time and resources of the apothecaries to get the job done, I'm sure to attract the attention of the high executor!

Thinking outside the box, that's what I'm all about. Yes, yes, you had a hand in helping too.

Here, if I give you something will you promise to not mention your part in all of this?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Ritual Neckguard
Saboteur's Wrap
Siegemaster's Torch Ring
Also, you get: 5


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:



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