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2. The Translated Tome
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The Translated Tome

Deliver the Translated Flesh-bound Tome to Captain Gort at Agmar's Hammer.
Translated Flesh-Bound Tome (Provided)


Here it is, <name>. I have translated everything printed upon the pages of the tome. Inside it you will find a list of the names of Cult of the Damned members spanning the entire continent.

Their network of spies and operatives is impressive, to say the least.

Farewell, friend. May the book serve you and your people well.


It's about time! Where have you been?


<Gort takes the tome from you and begins reading.>

WHAT! This can't be right. I've known some of these orcs for years!

Leave me, <name>. I have much work to do and many traitors to execute.

Take one of these items for your trouble. You've done a great service for the Horde this day.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Wastewind Headcover
Snowfall Reaver Breastplate
Anub'ar-Husk Leggings
Stonepath Helm
Also, you get: 15 90


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:



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