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Mr. Floppy's Perilous Adventure

Help Emily and Mr. Floppy get back to the Westfall Brigade Encampment, then speak to Squire Walter.
Help Emily and Mr. Floppy return to the camp


Excuse me, <Mister / Ma'am>, do you know the way back to the soldiers' camp?

Mr. Floppy and I decided to go for a walk in the woods, and my brother Walter was gonna come with us, but then he had squire things to do.

So Mr. Floppy and I went by ourselves, but we got lost, and there were a whole bunch of hungry wolves, but we found this tower.

The wolves went away, but we're still lost.

I asked Mr. Floppy, and he doesn't know the way back. Would you help us? Please?


Thank goodness you found Emmy! When she left without me, I was worried she'd get lost.

I'm glad to see Mr. Floppy's back safe and sound, too.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Path-Cutter's Cord Boots of Safe Travel Legguards of Unerring Navigation Bracers of the Chaperon
Also, you get: 5 60


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 20,775 experience (6 81 at max. level)

