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Felblood Fillet

Bring a Monstrous Felblood Snapper to Old Man Barlo. You can find him fishing northeast of Shattrath City by Silmyr Lake.
Monstrous Felblood Snapper


This old man is going hunting soon. I'm gonna take down a mammoth shark off the coast of Azshara.

The thing is, I need a toxin that'll stay on a spear tip while it's underwater. To make that kind of stuff, I need the glands from a poisonous fish: the felblood snapper.

Such a vile fish only thrives in the waters of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley. Bring me back a whopper and I'll be a happy old man.


The felblood is a marvel of evolution. It can survive in any water and even lava, and fishermen are its only natural predator.

Any luck with your prey?


That is the biggest, ugliest fish I've seen. I can't even imagine what you used for bait.

Just set the beast on the ground, and I'll deal with it once I'm sure it's dead.


You will receive:
Bag of Fishing Treasures


Fishing daily quests completed
Fishing daily quests completed
Secondary Skills
Old Man Barlowned
Complete each of Old Man Barlo's 5 fishing daily quests listed below.


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