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1. War is Hell
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War is Hell

High Executor Anselm at Vengeance Landing wants you to take the Burning Torch and use it to burn 10 of the corpses littered to the west of town.
Burning Torch (Provided)
Fallen Combatant burned (10)


We're slowly finishing off the remnants of Stormwind's North Fleet stationed on this coast. The bodies to the west are a testament to how brutal this confrontation has been.

This does not happen to bother my refined aesthetics, but it does present a danger to our lives.

In the lands of the Lich King, the dead are a weapon that can rise against us at any point in time. Take this torch - you're going to make sure that doesn't happen.


I don't care how many giants, dragons or kobolds you've killed before. Get this job done and come back when you're finished.


I'm glad you've proven you can follow orders. If I had a copper piece for every arrogant fool in shiny armor to come here and think they're above the chain of command... well, I'd have a few gold.

Now that you've demonstrated a measure of discipline, I have other tasks more suitable for someone of your caliber.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:



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