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1. Hell Has Frozen Over...
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Hell Has Frozen Over...

Speak with Vice Admiral Keller at Valgarde Port.


Fordragon's got another thing coming if he thinks the group of green-gilled scrubs he sent to defend this port can hold out much longer.

<Macalroy raises an eyebrow as he examines your equipment.>

You, however, might fare a bit better.

The importance of holding this port cannot be stated enough; and with those monsters flying overhead, the situation around here has gone from bad to worse.

Report to Vice Admiral Keller just northwest of here and let him know that you're all out of bubble gum.


The dwarf speaks the truth. We can't afford to lose this port. It's one of two safe harbors that the Alliance has on this chunk of frozen hell - the other being a few hundred miles west of here on the coast of the Borean Tundra.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,275 experience (66 at max. level)



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