Kroghan's Report
Speak with Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village.Description
My original orders were to remain in Garadar for a short time, then continue on and report to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village. What I've seen in my time here is that Garadar could benefit from a long term Horde liaison.I know that Blood Guard Gulmok needs all the troops he can get, but I know he'll understand that my mission here isn't yet complete. Travel to Shadowmoon Village, in northwestern Shadowmoon Valley, and inform Blood Guard Gulmok of my delayed arrival.
<Gulmok grumbles upon hearing of Kroghan's decision.>I understand his point of view, but we need warm bodies in the trenches here too! The Legion's bombarding us with infernals day and night. If Kroghan's going to be delayed, you can take his place on the field!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,185 experience (at max. level)