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1. Parts for the Rocket-Chief
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Parts for the Rocket-Chief

Bring Bossi's Spare Parts to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52 in the Netherstorm.
Bossi's Spare Parts (Provided)


You can count on one hand the number of times I've collaborated with a goblin. We're far more likely to be in competition with them, but when I received Rocket-Chief Fuselage's request, I just couldn't refuse him.

This crate is full of parts I'm not using here, but that the rocket-chief might be able to put to use on his project. Would you be kind enough to deliver them if you're on your way to Area 52?

Who knows, maybe some fine gnomish parts could keep his creation from exploding!


That crate has the look of a master gnomish engineer about it. Did Bossi send you?


I don't even know what some of these parts do! I'm certain I'll find a use for some of them, but I never suspected I'd have to learn to think like a gnome!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,185 experience (63 at max. level)


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