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Quick Facts
  • Level: 63
  • Requires level 58
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Nazgrel
  • End: Nazgrel
  • Not sharable
6. The Foot of the Citadel
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The Foot of the Citadel

Kill Force-Commander Gorax, place the Challenge From the Horde upon his corpse, kill The Hand of Kargath, and then bring the Head of the Hand of Kargath to Nazgrel in Thrallmar.
Challenge From the Horde (Provided)
The Head of the Hand of Kargath


Force-Commander Gorax is training Shattered Hand captains at the base of Hellfire Citadel, honing them to a bloody razor's edge. You must kill him, <name>, for his loss would be a mighty blow to the fel orcs.

However, that is not all you must do.

Take this banner. Place it atop Gorax's corpse. Gorax's commander, the Hand of Kargath, must answer your challenge if he has even a drop of true orc blood within him!

His head, the head of the hand of Kargath, is what I seek.


Have you faced the Hand of Kargath, <name>?


You have done a great deed, <name>. The fel orcs are a shame to all true orcs. If we have one fear, it is the fear of succumbing to demonic corruption once again. So you see, our war against the fel orcs is more than merely a battle with fierce foes -- it is also a battle within ourselves.

And with strength, strength you have shown time again, it is a battle we will win.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Stormstrike Vest
Shadowcast Tunic
Darkstorm Tunic
Battlemaster's Breastplate
Also, you get: 5 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12,975 experience (7 41 at max. level)
  • 1,000 Reputation with Thrallmar


To Hellfire and Back
Complete 84 quests in Hellfire Peninsula.
To Hellfire and Back
Complete 76 quests in Hellfire Peninsula.


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