Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress
Neltharaku, flying high above Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley, wants you to slay 15 Dragonmaw Orcs.Any Dragonmaw Orc in Dragonmaw Fortress will suffice.
Dragonmaw Orc slain (15) |
I require time so that I may devise a plan to save my children and mate. You will buy me this time, mortal.Venture into Dragonmaw Fortress, located on the eastern edge of the Netherwing Fields, and lay waste to all Dragonmaw orcs that you find. The ensuing chaos and confusion should have a considerable impact on their plans.
Be warned, some of my kin are too far gone - their minds corrupted by the Dragonmaw. For them, the only resolution is death. You have my permission to end their lives as well.
Is it done? I can only hope that it is not too late...Completion
Well done, <name>. I have discovered a way in which we can free the enslaved drakes that are being held at Dragonmaw Fortress.Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 12,680 experience (6 48 at max. level)