Return to Talionia
Speak with Talionia in Silvermoon City.Description
One of your masters, Talionia, in Silvermoon City has sent a summons for you, <name>. I'm certain it is time you learned to summon and control a more powerful demon, so I suggest you see her at once. I understand Talionia is found in The Sanctum, a cozy little den of evil found along Murder Row.Completion
So the world traveler returns...I hope my sarcasm is evident, <name>, for you have inconvenienced me greatly by forcing me to send out a summons. Consider that you are but a felguard's hair away from incineration, and they don't have any hair.
Pay attention closely, this is not a lesson you'll get twice.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 87 experience (9 60 at max. level)