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Quick Facts
  • Level: 69
  • Requires level 67
  • Side: Horde
  • Timer: 5 min
  • Start: Nakansi
  • End: Nakansi
  • Not sharable
5. The Fel and the Furious
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The Fel and the Furious

Use a Fel Reaver Control Console to take control of a Fel Reaver Sentinel. Destroy 60 Deathforged Infernals before your fel reaver fails. When your mission is complete, report to Nakansi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.
Deathforged Infernal destroyed (60)


<Nakansi leafs through the manual.>

All the information is here, but be warned. These things weren't built to be controlled remotely.

We can modify one for you to use for a short time, but you'll have to work fast, or there's no telling what might happen! I wouldn't be surprised if your little stunt with the fel reaver catches the attention of the Legion scum, either. Try to keep yourself safe, but remember, the mission and the safety of Shadowmoon Village come first!


You're back, so I'll assume the operation went well. What've you got to report?


I'll admit it, <name>. I'm impressed by all you've managed to accomplish. Destroying the Legion's ability to make war in Shadowmoon will give us the opportunity to turn the tide elsewhere.


Also, you get: 4 10


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 15,420 experience (8 1 at max. level)



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