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  • Level: 69
  • Requires level 67
  • Side: Alliance
  • Start: Plexi
  • End: Plexi
  • Sharable
4. The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance
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The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance

Kill Doctor Gutrick and obtain the Doctor's Key. Use the key to open the Doctor's Strongbox to retrieve The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance and deliver the book to Plexi at Invasion Point: Cataclysm.
The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance


The best way to destroy the rest of the Legion's supplies is to use their own weapons against them. I've been working on a rig that will let you take control of one of those Fel Reaver Sentinels below.

There are a couple things I need to work out, yet. For that, I'll need the manual that Doctor Gutrick keeps locked in a chest at the bottom of the ramp. He probably won't give up the key without a fight, so you'll need to capture it. Bring the fel reaver manual back to me and I'll do the rest!


Did you get that manual?


Ah, this is exactly what we'll need. I'd never accuse the Legion of producing anything resembling literature, but it gets the job done.


Also, you get: 4 10


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12,320 experience (6 42 at max. level)



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