Karabor Training Grounds
Additional requirements to obtain this quest:- Your reputation with The Aldor must be at least Friendly
Completing quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation level to decrease.
Sunfury Glaive (8) |
Our scouts have reported a massive influx of Sunfury blood elf recruits heading to the Ruins of Karabor. Normally this would represent a purely military threat, however we believe something else is amiss.Descriptions of their attire and fighting style are suspiciously close to that of Illidan himself. I do not want to become alarmed without good reason, so I would like you to go there and bring me back their weapons. We will then determine whether my fears are unfounded or not.
Have you completed the task I asked of you, <name>?Completion
Let's take a closer look at these weapons, <name>. Hmmm... this is rather unsettling.Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 12,675 experience (6 48 at max. level)
- 250 Reputation with The Aldor