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2. Bladespire Kegger
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Bladespire Kegger

Use the Bloodmaul Brutebane Keg to get 5 Bladespire Ogres drunk.
Bladespire Ogres drunk (5)
Bloodmaul Brutebane Keg (Provided)


As T'chali was saying, he helped out his Bloodmaul friends to make their brew. But what T'chali did not say was why.

The Bloodmaul are in dire straits. The Bladespire clan be crushing them, and they needed a new weapon to help out with their fight.

That's when T'chali came up with a great idea. Why not make the perfect brew, one that strengthens you and weakens your enemy? Only thing is, T'chali does not know if it works.

So, you gonna take this brew up to Bladespire Hold and see if it works!


Tell T'chali... did the brew work? Did the Bladespire ogres like it?


That's good news! That brew is gonna come in handy with what T'chali is gonna ask you to do next.


Also, you get: 3 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11,320 experience (at max. level)


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