Gothik the Harvester
The Arachnid Quarter
Anub'RekhanGrand Widow Faerlina
The Plague Quarter
Noth the PlaguebringerHeigan the Unclean
The Military Quarter
Instructor RazuviousGothik the Harvester
The Four Horsemen
The Construct Quarter
Frostwyrm Lair
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer says about him:
Gothik, the Harvester. A master of necromancy and conjuration, Gothik is said to be able to beckon forth legions of the undead at a moment's notice. It is with his guidance that even the weakest of Death Knights can raise the dead.
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Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter
Naxxramas: The Military Quarter